Artist in residence at Youkobo Art Space

December 1st, 2008

I am currently artist in residence at Youkobo Art Space in Tokyo, I’ll be here until June 2009 …

ア イルランド・ダブリンで活躍している若手作家。人と現代社会の環境との関係に焦点を当てた創作活動をしています。彼の作品は、潜在意識と日常生活から退避 するような実体のない内部世界と、その二つの異なる世界がかすんだ状態になっていく現実についてをテーマにしています。


The work of David Franklin, a young Irish artist, focuses on the relationship between people and the environments they exist in. His work is concerned with the subconscious and intangible inner world to which people retreat while seeking refuge from daily life, and how the reality of these two different worlds can become blurred. For his six month residency at Youkobo he will continue to work with these themes, while exploring the phenomena of “haikyo”, or ruins. These abandoned buildings offer an intriguing alternative view of one of the world’s most densely populated urban centres, and of how the inhabitants of Tokyo relate to their city.