CURSE ::: Exhibition at Youkobo Art Space

January 21st, 2018

David Franklin Artwork Reclamation 09 Drawing

CURSE is an exhibition by David Franklin of works in progress and new experiments resulting from his two month residency at Youkobo Art Space, where he has been conducting research for the first stage of a new long-term project. This new project will explore various aspects of the Japanese landscape, how it is shaped by and in turn impacts human activity, particularly in relation to culture and the influence of the postwar period in Japan. At the same time the project will also explore the working processes of butoh performers in creating their work, as a way of examining the subtle influence environment has on our thinking and behaviour. The project will be realised across a range of media, including video installation and drawing.


David Franklin

Exhibition : 24 January, 2018 — 28 January, 2018. Reception: 24 January, 2018

Gallery is open from 12:00 -19:00, closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Youkobo Art Space, Zempukuji 3-2-10, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, 167-0041.
Tel: 03 5930 5009.

David Franklin is an Irish visual artist living in Barcelona, Spain, working primarily with painting, drawing, and video. His current work in development looks at the intersection of landscape and the use of images in constructing our conception of our environment, drawing on, among other things, the influence of technology, geography, and social customs on visual art and images; astrobiology and the expansion of the human environment; the history of plagues; Japanese post-war art; European Romanesque and Gothic art; and the philosophy of Chinese painting. Throughout 2017 and 2018 he has been conducting a research residency at the National Art Museum of Catalonia in Barcelona, and in December of 2017 he returned to Japan for a residency at Youkobo Art Space, Tokyo. His recent publication, Empire of Rats, combines text and photos to explore the phenomenon of modern ruins in Japan and Spain and their connections to commercialism, nationalism, and cultural memory. It has been included in the archives of the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York and the Museum of Contemporary Art (MACBA ) in Barcelona.

デイビッド・フランクリンはスペインのバルセロナ在住の主に絵画、絵画、ビデオを扱う、アイルランド人ビジュアルアーティストである。現在展開中の作品では、景観と環境の交差と、技術、地理、社会慣習などの中での視覚芸術や画像に及ぼす影響などを取り上げ、私たちの環境概念を構築する際のイメージの効用を注視している。人間環境の拡大、災害の歴史; 日本の戦後芸術;ヨーロッパのロマネスク様式とゴシック様式の芸術; 中国絵画の哲学などを学び、2017 年から2018 年まで、バルセロナのカタルーニャ国立美術館でのリサーチレジデンスを展開、2017年12 月には東京の遊工房アートスペースでの滞在制作ため再来日。最近の出版物「Empire of Rats」(ネズミの帝国)は、テキストと写真を組み合わせ、日本とスペインの現存の廃墟、商業主義、ナショナリズム、文化的な記憶が関連する現象を探り、ニューヨークの近代美術館(MOMA)とバルセロナの現代美術館(MACBA)のアーカイブとなっている。

Website :
E mail :
Facebook / Instagram: david__franklin

Residency Activities in Youkobo 2018 for David Franklin:

Residency Period : 1 December, 2017 — 31 January, 2018
Exhibition : 24 January, 2018 — 28 January, 2018. Reception: 24 January, 2018
Talk Event : 27 January, 2018

David Franklin Youkobo Ruins map

Reclamation – solo exhibition by David Franklin at Espai M

February 17th, 2015

David Franklin exhibition poster for exhibition Reclamation


RECLAMATION es una exposición de pinturas, dibujos y otras nuevas obras del artista irlandés David Franklin. Resultado de un período de experimentación, explora el paisaje y la agresiva y parasitaria antibiosis que establecemos con nuestro entorno. Analizando cómo el paisaje en el arte puede ser utilizado para transmitir información y reafirmar ideologías y prejuicios, RECLAMATION muestra nuestro conocimiento del mundo como impreciso, mal recordado y fragmentado, al mismo tiempo que sugiere la futilidad de intentar comunicar la experiencia subjectiva.

David Franklin es un artista irlandés residente en Barcelona. Es principalmente pintor, pero recientemente ha empezado a expandir su trabajo y a incluir fotografía y vídeo como parte de los procesos naturales implicados en la creación de su trabajo. Ha sido artista residente en espacios artísticos de Francia, Japón y España y actualmente es artista residente en el centro de producción de artes visuales La Escocesa.

Inauguración viernes 27 de febrero de 19h a 22h
Contará con el concierto de Sun Color (experimental, música electroacústica)

Viernes 27 de febrero de 19 a 22h
Sábado 28 de febrero de de 17h a 20h
Domingo 1 de marzo de 11h a 14h
Del 2 al 13 de marzo se pueden concertar visitas escribiendo a

Espai M
La Escocesa, Centre de creació
Calle Pere IV 345 – Barcelona
<M> L4 Selva de Mar / L2 Bac de Roda

+ Información:

Con la colaboración de Moritz.
Con el suport de l’Institut de Cultura de Barcelona y el Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat.


RECLAMATION is an exhibition of new paintings, drawings and other works by Irish artist David Franklin. The result of a recent period of experimentation, the show explores landscape and the aggressive, parasitic antibiosis we share with our surroundings. Looking at how landscape in art can be used to convey information, reinforce ideologies and prejudices, RECLAMATION presents our knowledge of the world as ill-formed, badly remembered, fragmented and prejudiced, while suggesting the futility of attempting to communicate subjective experience.

David Franklin is an Irish artist currently based in Barcelona. Primarily a painter, he has recently expanded his work to include video. In addition to exhibiting internationally, he has participated in residency programmes in France, Spain and Japan, and is at present resident artist in the artistic production centre La Escocesa.

Opening Friday February 27 from 19h to 22h
Concert performance by Sun Color (experimental, electroacoustic)

Opening Hours
Friday February 27 from 19h to 22h
Saturday February 28 from 17h to 20h
Sunday March 1 from 11h to 14h
From March 2 to13 you can schedule a visit by writing to

Espai M
La Escocesa, Centre de creació
Calle Pere IV 345 – Barcelona
<M> L4 Selva de Mar / L2 Bac de Roda

+ Information:

Sponsored by Moritz.
Supported by Institut de Cultura de Barcelona and Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

TIER :: David Franklin solo exhibition at KKKB

May 13th, 2012

David Franklin TIER poster 01

Text below in English, Spanish and Catalan


Solo exhibition by David Franklin at KKKB gallery.

May 31st to June 30th 2012. Opening party: May 31st at 8pm.

C/ Joaquim Costa 9, 08001 Barcelona, Spain. Open Monday to Friday from 6pm to 9pm.

David Franklin TIER poster 02


Exposición individual de David Franklin en la galeria KKKB.

Del 31 de mayo al 30 de junio de 2012. Inauguración: 31 de mayo a las 20h.

C/ Joaquim Costa 9, 08001 Barcelona. De lunes a viernes de 18h a 21h.

David Franklin TIER card 01


Exposició individual de David Franklin a la galeria KKKB.

Del 31 de maig al 30 de juny de 2012. Inauguració: 31 de maig a les 20h.

C/ Joaquim Costa 9, 08001 Barcelona. De dilluns a divendres de 18h a 21h.

David Franklin TIER card 02 

David Franklin Photo TIER exhibition 01 David Franklin Photo TIER exhibition 04 David Franklin Photo TIER exhibition 03 David Franklin Photo TIER exhibition 05 David Franklin Photo TIER exhibition 06 David Franklin Photo TIER exhibition 07 David Franklin Photo TIER exhibition 02

Extra photos by Roser Corella