My film “A Crooked Path Through The Dark” has recently been selected for several film festivals, including the Internationales Festival Zeichen der Nacht (Berlin), where it won the Main Jury Award in the International Competition for Cinema in Transgression; the Choreoscope Barcelona Dance Film Festival (Spain); the Interface Video Art Festival (Croatia); the Moviate Underground Film Festival (USA); the Festival internazionale Segni della notte (Italy); and the Realtime International Film Festival (UK), where it received an honourable mention.
Tag: Film
A Crooked Path Through The Dark streaming online
November 9th, 2023My film “A Crooked Path Through The Dark” is now streaming online on Filmin, as part of this year’s Choreoscope International Dance Film Festival. You can watch it here:
Choreoscope 2023 — special programme on butoh
November 1st, 2023I was invited to curate a special short film programme focused on butoh for the 2023 edition of the Choreoscope International Dance Film Festival (Barcelona). We have selected a diverse range of films by artists including naoto iina, Emiko Agatsuma, and Karolina Bieszczad-Stie. My own film “A Crooked Path Through The Dark” will also be presented as part of a programme that aims to show the diversity of approaches that butoh encompasses. The programme will be screening online on the streaming platform Filmin from the 23rd of October until the 31st of December, here:
In addition, I wrote a text for the festival which gives an introductory overview of butoh and the selected films from the programme, which can be read in English here, and in Spanish here.